Speaking of BUG BITES, want to make your own BUG SPRAY, minus the nasty chemicals?
When we use essential oils we are borrowing the communication system from plants. The plant creates chemicals to attract the ‘good’ insects and other chemicals to repel the ‘bad’ insects.
- Here are a few oils that you can use: cedarwood, citronella, lavender, lemongrass, basil, eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint – where to buy
- Choose 3-5 essential oils. I always use a little lavender as it is so gentle on the skin
- Add a TOTAL of 15-18 drops essential oils for adults, or 5-6 drops for children to ONE ounce of either a light oil (grapeseed, apricot) or aloe vera gel. (if you use aloe vera, remember to shake well before each use)
Its that simple, OR you can buy some ready made HERE 🙂
ENJOY your bug free summer! Oh, and if you do get bit, try these:
- BOO BOO STICK – easy to throw in your purse or pocket
- CALENDULA SALVE – a great all around salve for minor skin irritations
- LAVENDER LIP BALM – I know it sounds crazy, but lavender is wonderful for minor irritations like bug bites and a lip balm is so easy to bring along 🙂
*For educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.